Taking the citywide traffic system example above, an analysis level might include system elements such as the traffic signaling, traffic detection, central control, and override control, among others. 在上面全市交通系统的例子中,分析层级可能包括诸如交通信号、交通探测、中央控制和过载控制等系统元素。
NOTE: This modification does not change or override any access control that may be in place for Lotus Notes-based components on the page. 注意:该修改不改变或覆盖页面上用于基于LotusNote的组件的任何访问控制。
By default, themes override local control settings. 默认情况下,主题重写本地控件设置。
I might be able to override primary systems from the control room. 我可能可以在监控室控制中央系统。
The override has taken control of the nuclear power plants. 反控制装置已经控制了核电站。
If a control setting is defined in both the control and the theme, the control settings from the theme override any page settings on the control. 如果同时在控件和主题中定义了控件设置,则主题中的控件设置将重写控件上的任何页设置。
The event allows you to override the default behavior for the control and supply your own custom actions and dialog boxes to do normal file operations. 事件使您得以覆盖对控件的默认行为并提供自己的自定义操作和对话框来执行普通文件操作。
I can override her manually, but I need that control panel. 有一些参数你可以从命令行覆盖,如果需要的话。
Countermeasures to Override and Utilize TBT Studies on the Lunar Rover Driving and Control Technologies 轮式月球车驱动特性与控制技术研究
This filtering of resources cannot be modified; you cannot override this behavior using access control. 这一资源的过滤不能变更;您不能使用存取控制废弃这一性能。
The following code example demonstrates how to override the getdesigntimehtml method in a custom control designer. 下面的代码示例演示如何在自定义控件设计器中重写getdesigntimehtml方法。
Whoever modified it must have given it the ability to override my direct control. 被改进过的型号一定被赋予了违背我直接命令的能力。
In windows, users are able to override some of the values associated with the operating system default culture through the regional and language options in control panel. 在windows中,用户可以通过“控制面板”中的“区域和语言选项”来重写与操作系统默认区域性相关联的某些值。
You typically override this method to change the visibility behavior of the control. 通常,您会重写此方法以更改控件的可见性行为。
Application of override control on crude distillation unit 超驰控制在原油蒸馏装置的应用
Override control and auto control operating safety 超驰控制与自动调节运行安全
Conventional attacks generally exploit buffer overflow, double free, integer overflow, format string vulnerability and override somewhere in the memory location to achieve the purpose of changing the control flow. 常规的攻击方式一般利用缓冲区溢出、双重释放、整形错误、格式化输出函数等漏洞,覆写某处内存位置来达到改变控制流的目的,最终实施攻击。
The author to this system proposed three optimized strategies and the concrete project realization methods, they are manual selection control, automatic selection control and the override control system based on fuzzy PID controller. 笔者对该系统提出三种策略及其具体工程实现方法,分别是手动选择控制策略、自动选择控制策略和带模糊PID控制器的超驰控制策略。